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Saturday Night at £165 each:
Banquet Only at £72 each:


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Ladies' Festival Weekend

At Riviera Hotel

14-16 Burnaby Rd, Westbourne, Bournemouth BH4 8JF

£195 per person for the whole weekend (Deposit 25 per person)

Steve Richards / festival@bepreparedlodge.org.uk

This platinum weekend package includes:

~ Dorset Cream Tea served on Friday arrival

~ Friday 3 Course Dinner plus coffee & mints - a great way to start the weekend!

~ Dance the Friday night away on Friday to our resident Duo

~ Full English & Continental Breakfast each morning

~ Drinks Reception prior to Gala Banquet with a selection of canapés

~ Saturday 5-Course Red Carpet Gala Banquet with coffee & mints

~ Professional Photographer who will return later with framed prints

~ Professional Toastmaster

~ Pianist to play unobtrusively throughout the Banquet 

~ Saturday night Private entertainment 3 piece Band

~ Ladies Gift

~ Accommodation with En Suite for the weekend 

There are 52 people coming.

Look who's coming: Neil Harvey, Steve Richards, W.Bro David Lee, Jan Bird, WBro Bob Wade, Steve Ricketts, Jim Brown, Terry Clark, Terry Clark, Alvin Finch, Mark Davis, Colin dippie, Michael Knight, Dale Kipp, Timothy Ebden, Maureen Coles, Les Langley, Ron Spencer, Paul Hutchinson, Chris Hodges, Peter Mitchell, Richard Malcolm Price